Friday, September 17, 2010

Cape May Architecture

We've spent a little over a week in Cape May with very beautiful weather almost every day. A bike ride out to Higbee Beach to where the Monarch butterflies are gathering for their journey down South was a unique experience. Thousands are everywhere, even as you sit on the beach there is a constant stream of them headed towards the lighthouse and Higbee Beach areas before heading across the Delaware Bay towards the South. I'm including a shot taken at that beach of some Monarchs as well as several house pics which show some of the famous victorian structures that have been in Cape May for decades. Tomorrow we make our move from our rental house to the Mt. Vernon Motel which is located right along Beach Drive down near the lower end of Cape May, around 1st and
2nd Streets. We're due to catch the Cape May-Lewes Ferry next Thursday, continuing our journey to the Chester River area near Chestertown, MD, where we'll spend a few days with Jim's old school friend.

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