Sunday, October 10, 2010

10-10-10 Memorable Ziplining In The NC Mts

We traveled south from Asheville and stopped in the smaller town of Waynesville, NC, using this spot as our homebase for a day-long visit to the Great Smoky Mt National Park. Beautiful day so we had the top down and climbed up to the top of the park to Clingman's Dome, then hiked up a .5 mile trail to the absolute top of the park resting on both NC and Tennessee. Left the Old Stone Inn in Waynesville ( a very interesting place we won't forget) and drove through Burnsville, NC, known for its painted quilts along the highway on various barns and other buildings. Continued to the area where Grandfather Mountain is located and spent much of the day exploring that private park. We had a 4pm zipline reservation at the Hawksnest Ski Resort located outside of Boone, NC, where we traveled on 10 different lines, totally 2.5 miles in length, with two runs both over 1800 ft, they were neat. I've attached some shots from these places, hopefully they'll be in the right order with this text but I can't be sure of that, that seems to be one of the quirks of blogging, to keep text and pictures in order, oh well.

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